“The Peaceable Kingdom” is a series of enchanting paintings by American folk artist Edward Hicks, showcasing a captivating utopia where animals of all shapes and sizes live in perfect harmony. Drawing inspiration from the biblical prophecy in Isaiah 11:6, Hicks’ dreamlike creations evoke a world where natural instincts are forgotten, and camaraderie reigns supreme.
Each of Hicks’ 62 iterations of “The Peaceable Kingdom” presents a mesmerizing scene, as ferocious predators and gentle prey frolic together under the watchful eyes of cherubic children. Lions and lambs, bears and cows, wolves and calves β all coexist in a serene landscape that speaks to the heart’s deepest yearning for a world where love and understanding triumph over fear and strife.
Amidst the tranquility of the animal kingdom, one can also spot a subtext: the struggle for unity and peace among humans. By including images of Quaker founder William Penn’s treaty with Native Americans, Hicks reminds us that the vision of harmony extends beyond the animal world, urging us to strive for understanding and cooperation in our own lives.
“The Peaceable Kingdom” stands as a testimony to the power of art to inspire hope and wonder. Each painting in the series serves as a gentle reminder of the possibility for unity and the beauty of a world where all creatures β great and small β can live together in blissful harmony.